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Writing an Account Contract

This tutorial will take you through the process of writing your own account contract in, along with the Typescript glue code required for using it within a wallet.

You will learn:

  • How to write a custom account contract in
  • The entrypoint function for transaction authentication and call execution
  • The AccountActions module and entrypoint payload structs, necessary inclusions for any account contract
  • Customizing authorization validation within the is_valid function (using Schnorr signatures as an example)
  • Typescript glue code to format and authenticate transactions
  • Deploying and testing the account contract

Writing your own account contract allows you to define the rules by which user transactions are authorized and paid for, as well as how user keys are managed (including key rotation and recovery). In other words, writing an account contract lets you make the most out of account abstraction in the Aztec network.

It is highly recommended that you understand how an account is defined in Aztec, as well as the differences between privacy and authentication keys. You will also need to know how to write a contract in Noir, as well as some basic Typescript.

For this tutorial, we will write an account contract that uses Schnorr signatures for authenticating transaction requests.

Every time a transaction payload is passed to this account contract's entrypoint function, the account contract requires a valid Schnorr signature, whose signed message matches the transaction payload, and whose signer matches the account contract owner's public key. If the signature fails, the transaction will fail.

For the sake of simplicity, we will hardcode the signing public key into the contract, but you could store it in a private note, in an immutable note, or on a separate keystore, to mention a few examples.


Let's start with the account contract itself in Create a new contract project that will contain a file with the code for the account contract, with a hardcoded public key:

// Account contract that uses Schnorr signatures for authentication using a hardcoded public key.
contract SchnorrHardcodedAccount {
use dep::std;
use dep::aztec::prelude::{AztecAddress, FunctionSelector, PrivateContext};

use dep::authwit::{
entrypoint::{app::AppPayload, fee::FeePayload}, account::AccountActions,

global public_key_x: Field = 0x16b93f4afae55cab8507baeb8e7ab4de80f5ab1e9e1f5149bf8cd0d375451d90;
global public_key_y: Field = 0x208d44b36eb6e73b254921134d002da1a90b41131024e3b1d721259182106205;

// Note: If you globally change the entrypoint signature don't forget to update default_entrypoint.ts
fn entrypoint(app_payload: AppPayload, fee_payload: FeePayload) {
let actions = AccountActions::init(&mut context, is_valid_impl);
actions.entrypoint(app_payload, fee_payload);

fn verify_private_authwit(inner_hash: Field) -> Field {
let actions = AccountActions::init(&mut context, is_valid_impl);

fn is_valid_impl(_context: &mut PrivateContext, outer_hash: Field) -> bool {
// Load auth witness and format as an u8 array
let witness: [Field; 64] = get_auth_witness(outer_hash);
let mut signature: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
for i in 0..64 {
signature[i] = witness[i] as u8;

// Verify signature using hardcoded public key
let verification = std::schnorr::verify_signature_slice(
assert(verification == true);
Source code: noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/schnorr_hardcoded_account_contract/src/

The important part of this contract is the entrypoint function, which will be the first function executed in any transaction originated from this account. This function has two main responsibilities: authenticating the transaction and executing calls. It receives a payload with the list of function calls to execute, and requests a corresponding authentication witness from an oracle to validate it. Authentication witnesses are used for authorizing actions for an account, whether it is just checking a signature, like in this case, or granting authorization for another account to act on an accounts behalf (e.g. token approvals). You will find this logic implemented in the AccountActions module, which use the AppPayload and FeePayload structs:

pub fn entrypoint(self, app_payload: AppPayload, fee_payload: FeePayload) {
let valid_fn = self.is_valid_impl;

let fee_hash = fee_payload.hash();
assert(valid_fn(self.context, fee_hash));

let app_hash = app_payload.hash();
assert(valid_fn(self.context, app_hash));
Source code: noir-projects/aztec-nr/authwit/src/
struct AppPayload {
function_calls: [FunctionCall; ACCOUNT_MAX_CALLS],
nonce: Field,
Source code: noir-projects/aztec-nr/authwit/src/entrypoint/
struct FeePayload {
function_calls: [FunctionCall; MAX_FEE_FUNCTION_CALLS],
nonce: Field,
is_fee_payer: bool,
Source code: noir-projects/aztec-nr/authwit/src/entrypoint/

Using the AccountActions module and the payload structs is not mandatory. You can package the instructions to be carried out by your account contract however you want. However, using these modules can save you a lot of time when writing a new account contract, both in Noir and in Typescript.

The AccountActions module provides default implementations for most of the account contract methods needed, but it requires a function for validating an auth witness. In this function you will customize how your account validates an action: whether it is using a specific signature scheme, a multi-party approval, a password, etc.

fn is_valid_impl(_context: &mut PrivateContext, outer_hash: Field) -> bool {
// Load auth witness and format as an u8 array
let witness: [Field; 64] = get_auth_witness(outer_hash);
let mut signature: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
for i in 0..64 {
signature[i] = witness[i] as u8;

// Verify signature using hardcoded public key
let verification = std::schnorr::verify_signature_slice(
assert(verification == true);
Source code: noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/schnorr_hardcoded_account_contract/src/

For our account contract, we will take the hash of the action to authorize, request the corresponding auth witness from the oracle, and validate it against our hardcoded public key. If the signature is correct, we authorize the action.

Fee Abstraction

The FeePayload, being distinct from the AppPayload, allows for fee abstraction, meaning the account paying the fee for the transaction can be different than the account that is initiating the transaction. This is also useful for maintaining privacy, as fee payments on the network must be public. For example, Alice could pay a relayer transaction fees in private, and the relayer could pay the transaction fee in public. This also allows for accounts without a fee paying asset to use a non-fee paying asset to pay for fees, provided they can find a relayer willing to accept a non-fee paying asset as payment (or do it for free). You can read more about that works in the protocol specification on fees here.

Nonce Abstraction

The protocol enforces uniqueness of transactions by checking that the transaction hash is unique. Transactions with the same transaction hash will be rejected. Handling transaction ordering via nonces is left to the account contract implementation. Account contracts can require incremental nonces, or have no requirements at all and not enforce transaction ordering.

A side-effect of not having nonces at the protocol level is that it is not possible to cancel pending transactions by submitting a new transaction with higher fees and the same nonce.


Now that we have a valid account contract, we need to write the typescript glue code that will take care of formatting and authenticating transactions so they can be processed by our contract, as well as deploying the contract during account setup. This takes the form of implementing the AccountContract interface from @aztec/aztec.js:

* An account contract instance. Knows its artifact, deployment arguments, how to create
* transaction execution requests out of function calls, and how to authorize actions.
export interface AccountContract {
* Returns the artifact of this account contract.
getContractArtifact(): ContractArtifact;

* Returns the deployment arguments for this instance, or undefined if this contract does not require deployment.
getDeploymentArgs(): any[] | undefined;

* Returns the account interface for this account contract given a deployment at the provided address.
* The account interface is responsible for assembling tx requests given requested function calls, and
* for creating signed auth witnesses given action identifiers (message hashes).
* @param address - Address where this account contract is deployed.
* @param nodeInfo - Info on the chain where it is deployed.
* @returns An account interface instance for creating tx requests and authorizing actions.
getInterface(address: CompleteAddress, nodeInfo: NodeInfo): AccountInterface;

* Returns the auth witness provider for the given address.
* @param address - Address for which to create auth witnesses.
getAuthWitnessProvider(address: CompleteAddress): AuthWitnessProvider;
Source code: yarn-project/aztec.js/src/account/contract.ts#L7-L39

However, if you are using the default AccountActions module, then you can leverage the DefaultAccountContract class from @aztec/accounts and just implement the logic for generating an auth witness that matches the one you wrote in Noir:

const PRIVATE_KEY = GrumpkinScalar.fromString('0xd35d743ac0dfe3d6dbe6be8c877cb524a00ab1e3d52d7bada095dfc8894ccfa');

/** Account contract implementation that authenticates txs using Schnorr signatures. */
class SchnorrHardcodedKeyAccountContract extends DefaultAccountContract {
constructor(private privateKey = PRIVATE_KEY) {

getDeploymentArgs(): undefined {
// This contract has no constructor
return undefined;

getAuthWitnessProvider(_address: CompleteAddress): AuthWitnessProvider {
const privateKey = this.privateKey;
return {
createAuthWit(messageHash: Fr): Promise<AuthWitness> {
const signer = new Schnorr();
const signature = signer.constructSignature(messageHash.toBuffer(), privateKey);
return Promise.resolve(new AuthWitness(messageHash, [...signature.toBuffer()]));
Source code: yarn-project/end-to-end/src/guides/writing_an_account_contract.test.ts#L19-L44

As you can see in the snippet above, to fill in this base class, we need to define three things:

  • The build artifact for the corresponding account contract.
  • The deployment arguments.
  • How to create an auth witness.

In our case, the auth witness will be generated by Schnorr-signing over the message identifier using the hardcoded key. To do this, we are using the Schnorr signer from the @aztec/circuits.js package to sign over the payload hash. This signer maps to exactly the same signing scheme that Noir's standard library expects in schnorr::verify_signature.


More signing schemes are available in case you want to experiment with other types of keys. Check out Noir's documentation on cryptographic primitives.

Trying it out

Let's try creating a new account backed by our account contract, and interact with a simple token contract to test it works.

To create and deploy the account, we will use the AccountManager class, which takes an instance of an Private Execution Environment (PXE), a privacy private key, and an instance of our AccountContract class:

const secretKey = Fr.random();
const account = new AccountManager(pxe, secretKey, new SchnorrHardcodedKeyAccountContract());
const wallet = await account.waitSetup();
const address = wallet.getCompleteAddress().address;
Source code: yarn-project/end-to-end/src/guides/writing_an_account_contract.test.ts#L57-L62

Note that we get a Wallet instance out of the account, which we can use for initializing the token contract class after deployment, so any transactions sent to it are sent from our wallet. We can then send a transaction to it and check its effects:

const token = await TokenContract.deploy(wallet, address, 'TokenName', 'TokenSymbol', 18).send().deployed();`Deployed token contract at ${token.address}`);

const secret = Fr.random();
const secretHash = computeSecretHash(secret);

const mintAmount = 50n;
const receipt = await token.methods.mint_private(mintAmount, secretHash).send().wait();

const note = new Note([new Fr(mintAmount), secretHash]);
const extendedNote = new ExtendedNote(
await wallet.addNote(extendedNote);

await token.methods.redeem_shield(address, mintAmount, secret).send().wait();

const balance = await token.methods.balance_of_private(address).simulate();`Balance of wallet is now ${balance}`);
Source code: yarn-project/end-to-end/src/guides/writing_an_account_contract.test.ts#L65-L90

If we run this, we get Balance of wallet is now 150, which shows that the mint call was successfully executed from our account contract.

To make sure that we are actually validating the provided signature in our account contract, we can try signing with a different key. To do this, we will set up a new Account instance pointing to the contract we already deployed but using a wrong signing key:

const wrongKey = GrumpkinScalar.random();
const wrongAccountContract = new SchnorrHardcodedKeyAccountContract(wrongKey);
const wrongAccount = new AccountManager(pxe, secretKey, wrongAccountContract, account.salt);
const wrongWallet = await wrongAccount.getWallet();
const tokenWithWrongWallet = token.withWallet(wrongWallet);

try {
await tokenWithWrongWallet.methods.mint_private(200, secretHash).prove();
} catch (err) {`Failed to send tx: ${err}`);
Source code: yarn-project/end-to-end/src/guides/writing_an_account_contract.test.ts#L93-L105

Lo and behold, we get Error: Assertion failed: 'verification == true' when running the snippet above, pointing to the line in our account contract where we verify the Schnorr signature.


Account contracts source code: